Data, Research, and Public Information Requests

Public information includes all data and records held by MIEMSS, regardless of form or format, that are not confidential or otherwise prohibited from public disclosure by law. Any person, including corporations, associations, public interest groups, the news media and private individuals can submit requests for public information.

The MIEMSS Data Team reviews all data requests. The Data Team determines what data, datasets, or analytics may be released. MIEMSS is generally prohibited by law from releasing identifiable patient data. In rare instances, MIEMSS may participate in IRB approved research, using identifiable data, when MIEMSS determines that the research would benefit the citizens of Maryland.

MIEMSS is legally prohibited from releasing records that identify individuals.  MIEMSS does not keep financial information related to patient transport.  For patient transport or billing records, information may be available through the jurisdiction or county responsible for transport.

Public Information / Data Requests

If you are making any general request, use this form: [Public Information Request Form] Some publicly shared data and information is available on the MIEMSS website, MIEMSS Annual ReportsMIEMSS Vision 2030, or our other publications such as the ED ReportEMS Newsletter, Social Media, and Open Meeting minutes

[More detail about Public Information request.]

IRB Approved Data Requests for Research Projects

If you are requesting data to support for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved research.
Select: [Data Request for Research Projects]

If you are not requesting data that contains identifiable information, use the Public Information Request Form.

Office of Health Care Quality and IL: For Official Use Only

This form is specific to those organization that have been preapproved by the Office of the Attourney General. Select: [OHCQ / IL Request Form]

Human Trafficking GET HELP

National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential

1-888-373-7888 233733 More Information on human trafficking in Maryland

Customer Service Promise

The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services.

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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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