Initial certification/licensure is the process involved in obtaining a Maryland Pre-hospital Clinician certification or license for the first time, excluding reciprocity. As this process varies for each level of Maryland certification/licensure, please select an EMS clinician level from the list below for specific information:
Requirements for Initial Certification (Emergency Medical Responder, EMT) or Licensure (Cardiac Rescue Technician, Paramedic, Emergency Medical Dispatcher)
- Emergency Medical Responder and EMT applicants who are 16 or 17 years of age must have written permission from a parent or legal guardian.
- Applicants must be 16 years of age to participate in any EMS BLS clinical training or internship.
- Applicants for ALS licensure must be at least 18 years of age before participating in any ALS clinical training or internship.
ALL Applicants must:
- Successfully complete an approved EMS training course.
- Submit an application for initial certification or licensure and fees (if required).
- Complete all additional requirements as listed for each EMS Clinician Level:
Descriptions of each EMS clinician level.