Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Program

Marylanders suffer approximately 7,000 sudden cardiac arrests each year. These time-sensitive medical emergencies demand immediate bystander action to achieve optimal outcomes. Survival rates are more than 4x greater when bystanders begin CPR and apply an AED.

Maryland's Public Access AED Program aims to expand the availability of AEDs, thereby  increasing the chances of survival for those who experience sudden cardiac arrest. All AEDs in the State of Maryland should be registered. 

Questions on the Maryland Public Access AED Program may be directed to or Phone: (410) 822-1799.

What do I need to register my facility?

You must prepare the following items to apply for facility registration. Once your facility is approved, the system will generate a log-in and send you instructions to register your AED(s). The approval process may take up to 2 business days.

  • Name and address of AED facility
  • Name, title, and email of facility AED coordinator
  • Completion of CPR/AED training (unless otherwise exempt under § 21-330.3)

Register your Facility   Click Here

Facility Registration FAQs / Resources

The facility AED coordinator is responsible for:

  • Implementing and administering the AED program at the registered facility
  • Ensuring monthly safety inspections of all AEDs, including assurance of adequate battery charge to manufacturers specifications and maintaining written logs of the inspections.
  • Providing facility AED operation, maintenance, and location details to all of the registered facility's employees and volunteers.
  • Placing AED(s) in visible and easily accessible locations for all persons willing and able to operate the AED.
  • Provide and maintain convenient communications options (e.g. telephone) for alerting public safety upon operation of each AED.
  • Reporting and submitting each use of the AED.
  • Submitting data or other information as requested by MIEMSS concerning the AED program.

AED Coordinators must complete (unless otherwise exempt under § 21-330.3) CPR and AED training under the most current American Heart Association guidelines as required by Maryland Regulations in COMAR – Criteria for Registration of Facilities.

Courses may be available locally through community colleges, private businesses, or other community vendors. CPR & AED training courses are available in your area, below are a few common training programs:

To find CPR & AED training courses in your area, you may visit the following:

The following locations require AED's:

  • Public Schools: Every public middle and high school in Maryland must have a functional AED that is accessible and registered. (COMAR Regulation 13A.05.10.03)
  • Restaurants and Grocery Stores: As of January 1, 2025, restaurants and grocery stores that meet certain income and size requirements must have an AED in a prominent, accessible location.

    These requirements include:
    Restaurants:  The restaurant's annual gross income is more than $1,000,000, exclusive of sales for off-premises consumption, and has a seating capacity of more than 100 individuals.

    Grocery stores: A grocery store that has all major food departments, including produce, meat, seafood, dairy, and canned and packaged goods; or at least one of the major food departments and at least 12,000 square feet of floor space; and has an annual gross income of more than $10,000,000

    Reference: Maryland Statute: Health – General Article § 21-330.3.
  • Pools: Each swimming pool owned and operated by a county or municipality is required to have a functional AED that is accessible and registered. (COMAR Regulation 10.17.02)


Please maintain all the necessary equipment as outlined in the Required AED Equipment Checklist, including the printable QR Code for AED Use Reporting.

Ensure AEDs are placed in locations which are visible and readily accessible to any person willing to operate the AED in the event of a suspected cardiac arrest. A conspicuous sign should indicate the location of each AED.

What do I need to register my new AED Device

You'll be prompted to enter the following items to register the AED:

  • Facility/organization name
  • Physical address/location of the AED and a detailed description of the location to include Suite/Room number
  • AED manufacturer, model and serial number
  • Expiration dates for AED electrode pads and AED battery
  • Asset tag (if applciable)
  • Installation date
  • Is there a Stop the Bleed Kit co-located
  • Is Naloxone co-located, if so, provide the expiration date
  • Most recent inspection date

 Register your AED on

AED FAQs / Resources

The AED should have all manufacturer's recommended items at all times, including:

  • Two (2) sets of AED electrode pads
  • Razor
  • Disposable medical gloves
  • CPR face shield
  • Medical scissors/ shears
  • Printed QR Code for AED Use Reporting
  • Copy of your current AED certificate

A checklist can be found (AED Equipment Checklist) including the printable QR Code for AED Use Reporting.


AED(s) are required to be inspected monthly to ensure their operation. Use the form below, or one similar to document inspections.

AED Monthly Safety Inspection Record

The US Food and Drug Administration is responsible for the approval and review of medical devices. Additional information, including a list of approved devices, may be found at the link below:

AED Use/Reporting AED Problems

Report all uses of your AED(s) at Include a copy of the AED machine’s event report if available.

QR Code for AED Use Reporting.

The US Food and Drug Administration is responsible for issuing medical device recalls. Additional information, including current recalls, may be found at the link below:

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