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The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems offers the Child Passenger Safety and Occupant Protection Health Care Project (CPS & OP Health Care Project) as part of its EMS for Children program. The project is funded by the Maryland Highway Safety Office with use of federal funds. The focus of the project is to promote “best practice” child passenger safety (CPS) & occupant protection (OP) education and discharge policies for Maryland hospitals and health care professionals. Education and resources are provided free of charge to Maryland's hospitals to ensure that parents and caregivers are doing the most they can to keep children safe.

Need personal help with your car seat?
FREE in-person and virtual assistance is available through Maryland Kids in Safety Seats (MD KISS). Visit the MD KISS website to schedule an appointment OR call the helpline at 800-370-SEAT (7328) Monday - Friday.
2024 Regional Car Seat Check Events – Promotional Flyers to View/Download
The CPS & OP Health Care Project includes:
- CPS training & materials to hospital MCH and emergency departments
- Webinars for continuing education on CPS hot topics
- Youth occupant protection education and trainings
- Guidelines for hospital policy and discharge procedures
- Posters (many in Spanish)
- Assistance for children with special health care needs
- Other language resources on CPS
For more information, please email us at cps@miemss.org or call (410) 706-8647.
For pre-driver education materials, please email us at cps@miemss.org or call (410) 706-8647.
Interested in becoming a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)?