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Hospital Hub Access and Resource

The eMEDS® Hospital Hub provides hospitals with access to electronic pre-hospital patient care reports. Once logged in, you will be able to view pre-hospital reports for patients transported by ambulance to your facility and integrate those reports into the patients’ medical record.

If you are a hospital needing access to the eMEDS® Hospital Hub, an agreement is required.  You will be need to submit the following form, Hospital Hub MOU Agreement - Blank Form - 1/18/2023.

The agreement form must be signed by a designated hospital official authorized to execute agreements on behalf of the hospital. In the space provided on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), you will specify two individuals who will act as the hospital’s points of contact for the Hub, oversee approval of hospital personnel requiring access to the Hub, and request MIEMSS to issue Hub passwords for approved personnel.  These two individuals are labeled on the form as primary and secondy contacts to ensure there is always a contact available at the hospital.

The form,  Hospital Access to eMEDS Reports - Request for Password - 2019.07.30.pdf,  must be completed for each individual needing access at your hospital. This form must be signed and approved by your hospital’s primary or secondary contact identified in the executed MOU agreement. Requests without those approvals will be denied and notification will be given.  

After MIEMSS approves the properly executed MOU, MIEMSS will send the approval of access to the primary or Secondary contact for distribution to the user listed on that approval. Before gaining access to the system, the user will need to change their password during their intial login. Once these steps are completed, the approved user will have access to pre-hospital electronic patient care reports for patients transported to your hospital.

How to Update E-Mail Address - Users
To change your email address on the Hospital Hub, use the following instructions. Please note that for security reasons, the new email address must be assigned by the hospital.
Click Here for Instructions on how to Change/Update User’s E-Mail Address

“My password is not working!!”
Users often need to reset their password. If you've forgotten your password or wish to reset it, you can utilize the "Forgot Your Password" option available on the login screen. Upon selecting this option, an email will be sent to your eMEDS profile email address containing instructions for resetting or changing your password. If you encounter issues with this process, please email A MIEMSS representative will assist by updating your email address, resetting your password, and addressing any other inquiries you may have.

MOUs currently on file:
You can access a list of current MOUs on file,  View Current MOUs on File. With this link, you can click the paperclip icon and receive a PDF copy of the MOU and an updated report of users and their current access. If anything on this MOU is incorrect, or needs to be updated, you will need to submit a new MOU form.  Hospital Hub MOU Agreement - Blank Form - 1/18/2023.

“Keep the MOU’s Current”

If any users needs to be removed, please send a list of those users.


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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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