Proclamation from the Governor of the State of Maryland
National Stroke Awareness Month "Stroke Smart State" — May 2022
WHEREAS, One in six people will have a stroke in their lifetime, and 80% of families are affected; additionally, stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability, putting a tremendous financial burden on individuals, families, as well as society; and
WHEREAS, Maryland public and private schools will be encouraged to make Stroke Smart: Spot-a-Stroke, Stop-a-Stroke, Save-a-Life part of their training for all students, faculty, and families; and
WHEREAS, All Maryland health and safety-focused entities such as hospitals, clinics, physicians' medical practices, health departments, pharmacies, fire EMS, public safety, social services and the departments of aging, and the Maryland Stroke Center Consortium will be urged to participate in improving Maryland stroke literacy to educate all its employees, volunteers, and associated communities; and
WHEREAS, Maryland community, including businesses, civic organizations, senior communities, faith-based organizations, and inhabitants, will be encouraged to participate and contribute to the Stroke Smart: Spot-a-Stroke, Stop-a-Stroke, Save-a Life campaign through active citizenship efforts; and
WHEREAS, The goal is to educate everyone in the State of Maryland about stroke recognition and the importance of dialing 911 immediately, and therefore reduce the onset of stroke to 911 interval to be measured by EMS and local hospital systems, and make Maryland a model for other communities, citizens, counties, commonwealths, and states as well as the nation, thereby advancing the vision of a Stroke Smart America.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, LAWRENCE J. HOGAN, JR., GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND, do hereby proclaim MAY 2022 as NATIONAL STROKE AWARENESS MONTH and a "STROKE SMART STATE" in Maryland and do commend this observance to all of our citizens.