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Home / EMSC / Federal EMSC Grant

Federal EMSC State Systems Grants

Since 1986, MIEMSS has received federal EMS for Children grants from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Below is a brief summary of the grants and their projects and products. For more information please contact the MIEMSS EMSC Program office at 410-706-1758 or

EMSC State Partnership Grant (2018-2023)

Maryland's seventh EMSC State Partnership Grant (2018-2023). In accordance with the federal EMS for Children’s program initiatives, this grant will continue program objectives and activities that enhance the system components within Maryland that meeting the ten EMSC State Partnership Performance Measures, Expand Family Advocacy, and Advance Quality Improvement.

The Maryland EMSC Partnership grant focused on three major goals: 

  1. Continue to implement system enhancements with EMSC initiatives that will move towards achieving targets for the federal EMSC Performance Measures 71-80 and support MCHB performance measure standards related to children & family health.

  2. Sustain the Maryland EMSC Family Advisory Network Council’s activities including: promote the annual "EMSC Right Care When it Counts" Awards; partnership with Safe Kids Maryland & Risk Watch Maryland "Steps to Safety" and Mascot training, expansion of prevention and disaster preparedness programs identified by FAN Council, develop orientation and readiness resources for children and families.

  3. Support the existing collaborative for pediatric EMS and ED quality improvement and data analysis through development of standard pediatric EMS reports to promote local and regional quality improvement activities and to monitor compliance with statewide EMS protocols and national EMS metrics.

Maryland ’s EMSC Program has worked with seven other states in the MidAtlantic region to conduct a series of EMSC Regional Symposia that brought professionals from across the continuum of care together for sharing of best practices, current research and public policy issues that impact children and families. These grants were funded through the federal EMSC Program in supplemental grant awards to states. This MidAtlantic EMSC regional network continues to meet within the EMSC All Grantee meetings and the NASEMSO PECC annual meeting. The symposia included:

  • October 2002 – Columbia Maryland 
  • June 2003 – Washington DC
  • November 2004 – Wilmington Delaware
  • November 2005 – Carlisle Pennsylvania 
  • October 2006 – Family Centered Care forum in Pennsylvania 


The first Implementation EMSC Grant (1986-1989) provided for the expansion of the statewide Pediatric Trauma System, studied the epidemiology and demographics of trauma and critical illness, and developed a modular format for the Johns Hopkins APLS curriculum. Through this grant the following training was brought to Maryland EMS Providers: PALS AHA courses, Airway Training video, and Prehospital Airway skill station module. The second grant was the EMSC Enhancement Grant (1994-1996) that focused on the creation of the state Pediatric Emergency Medical Advisory Committee (PEMAC), regional pediatric EMS and hospital committees, and add pediatric education to both EMS and ED conferences to expand the pediatric capabilities.


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