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Information Technology & Systems Management

Quality Management

Data Analysis and Information Management (DAIM) provides continuous quality improvement initiatives, commitment to a customer-based way of doing business, and enhances the ability to effect improvement in related fields.

EMS Surveillance Measures

MIEMSS maintains several EMS system surveillance priorities based on routine data review, customer requests, and research outcomes. Hospital yellow alert demand is monitored at state, regional, jurisdictional, and hospital-specific levels through the online County Hospital Alert Tracking System (CHATS) for real-time system response capabilities as well as historical trends. This monitoring, coupled with hospital strategies that address high demand for emergency department services, helps improve the availability of this vital service system-wide. Yellow alert data also form one measurement in the Maryland Department of Health’s (MDH) syndromic surveillance programs.

The Helicopter Utilization Database (HUD) accounts for all helicopter requests for transport independent of actual transport mode outcome, and permits requesting EMS managers and medical directors to conduct case reviews. HUD data analysis supports MIEMSS’ efforts to utilize aerial transportation for only the most severe, time-critical incident scene patients statewide. Since FY 2017, EMS interventions involving naloxone administration for opioid overdose cases have been consistently recorded and relayed to both MDH and the Opioid Operational Command Center. This non-confidential data, in conjunction with other valuable resources, serves as a pivotal tool in tracking opioid overdose trends and devising effective strategies to address this pressing crisis.

Data Confidentiality

MIEMSS maintains or has access to eight confidential databases used to ensure the delivery of quality EMS care. The Data Access Committee was formed to ensure that all data and requests for information are expedited efficiently and accurately while ensuring patient and clinician confidentiality at all times. Since January 2000, MIEMSS has tracked and responded to over 3,500 data requests.

MD EMS Statistics from (eMEDS®)

The electronic Maryland EMS Data System (eMEDS®) serves as a primary resource to query data about EMS demand, response, and outcome. All jurisdictional EMSOPs in Maryland use eMEDS® to document their call information. The EMSOPs can enter data either via a local device with internet connectivity or via a dedicated website. The table below displays the quarterly record volume for FY 2023.

Maryland Emergency Medical Resource and Alerting Database (MEMRAD)-NG

The Maryland Emergency Medical Resource Alerting Database (MEMRAD) is Maryland’s statewide health and medical alerting and resource tracking system. Administered by MIEMSS, this system connects hospitals, EMS, and Public Health and Emergency Management for real-time information sharing. MIEMSS is currently working to upgrade MEMRAD to MEMRAD-NG (Next Generation), which will include additional interoperability, mobile applications, and enhanced redundancy.

@Hospital Ambulances (@HA)

The At Hospital Ambulances (@HA) app is a web-based application that displays ambulance activity at each of the Maryland hospitals utilized by jurisdictional EMS clinicians. Data Analysis and Information Management (DAIM) developed this application to work on desktop computers and mobile devices, including iOS, Android, and Windows mobile devices. The @ HA application displays information pertaining to ambulances located at the hospitals including the hospital name, number of ambulance units, alert status, and length of stay based on data received from the EMSOP’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems. Participating jurisdictions supply data via CAD that populates the information displayed in the app and is made available to clinicians and/or dispatch centers via a link in the eMEDS® patient care reporting system dashboard. It can also be viewed with limited details at Jurisdictional EMS administrators may login and view additional information about the ambulance units, including unit number and jurisdiction.

Online Training Center: A Commitment to Digital Learning Excellence

Last year, MIEMSS significantly enhanced its Online Training Center (OTC), emphasizing improved usability and a modern design. This advancement aligns with our agency’s mission to offer unparalleled continuing education opportunities to the State’s EMS clinicians. Built on the robust foundation of Moodle – a renowned, open-source Learning Management System – the OTC seamlessly integrates with the MIEMSS Licensure System. We eagerly anticipate rolling out additional updates in the forthcoming months.

Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP) and eMEDS® Integration Project

The integration of eMEDS® with Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP), the health information exchange service for Maryland and Washington, DC, is an important ongoing project. Data Analysis and Information Management (DAIM) has enhanced this integration to allow CRISP to receive additional patient care data on a more frequent basis. Currently, EMS reports are securely transferred to CRISP in close to real time. This integration makes the EMS report available to all health care clinicians with CRISP access, including those in primary care. Aligning these two systems makes prehospital emergency care information available to participating physicians and hospitals throughout the state. A future phase of the project aims to make select patient medical data, such as medical history and medications, available to EMS clinicians to enhance the care they are able to provide at the patient’s side.

Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) and eMEDS® Integration Project

MIEMSS’ Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics (ESSENCE) interface links EMS patient encounter data with other statewide healthcare data shared to ESSENCE. This combination of EMS, Hospital, Primary Care, Pharmacy, and other data sources give public health partners enhanced situational awareness for potential disease outbreaks and epidemics.

Enhancing Data Analysis for Improved Patient Care

Understanding the critical role that precise, up-to-date, and easily accessible prehospital patient care data plays, MIEMSS continually broadens its data analysis capacities. In FY 2023, MIEMSS achieved this by leveraging local instances of the eMEDS® and Licensure System databases. Our focus steadfastly remains on detailed statistical reporting, pivotal metrics that drive system-wide quality enhancement and assurance, and the pragmatic use of both EMS and hospital data.

Opioid Overdose Data Reporting

In adherence to state regulations, MIEMSS regularly contributes data derived from EMS patient care reports to the Washington/Baltimore High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Overdose Map (ODMAP) database. MIEMSS collaborates with the Maryland Department of Health, the Opioid Operational Command Center (OOCC), and other partnering agencies to monitor and address opioid overdoses in Maryland and facilitate a comprehensive statewide oversight and proactive response to the opioid overdose challenge. This united front remains unwavering in its commitment to addressing and mitigating the opioid overdose crisis within Maryland.

EMS Portal

Data Analysis and Information Management (DAIM) diligently collaborates with Office of EMS Clinician Services to uphold the EMS Portal, which empowers local jurisdictions to craft and execute bespoke educational reports. Such an initiative amplifies jurisdictional cognizance of educational requisites tailored for their affiliated clinicians.

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Help Stop Fraud in State Government

The Maryland General Assembly's Office of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free fraud hotline to receive allegations of fraud and/or abuse of State government resources. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources.

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