The Attorney General’s Office (OAG) provides legal advice to the EMS Board, the Statewide EMS Advisory Council, and MIEMSS in connection with all aspects of EMS, the ongoing administrative functions of the agency, and the regulation of commercial ambulance services. OAG supports MIEMSS in promulgating and implementing the agency’s regulations, procurement, personnel matters, and contracts, including technology initiatives, as well by assisting in the administration of state and federal grant programs.
OAG serves as the administrative prosecutor for cases involving allegations of prohibited acts by EMS clinicians before the EMS Provider Review Panel, the EMS Board, the Office of Administrative Hearings, and the courts. In FY 2023, it handled 64 cases of alleged prohibited acts by EMS clinicians and applicants.
OAG provided legal advice to the State Office of Commercial Ambulance Licensing and Regulation (SOCALR) in all compliance matters in FY 2023, and provided support to the Commercial Ambulance Services Advisory Committee. Assistant attorneys general helped the Office of Care Integration to monitor compliance requirements of specialty referral centers. In FY 2023, they worked to amend regulations, including updating the standards for Adult and Pediatric Trauma Centers and specialty care transport for SOCALR. OAG advised the Office of EMS Clinician Services on the application of requirements for licensure and certification, as well as the development of regulatory amendments to update those requirements; provided advice and support for the designation of trauma and specialty referral centers and base stations; prepared responses to Public Information Act requests and subpoenas; responded to requests for Data Access and prepared responses for research projects; and provided advice on the Maryland Public Access Defibrillation program and the AED Registry.
Maryland Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) provides patients with the legal means for communicating medical care wishes to EMS and other health care professionals. In FY 2023, OAG helped to distribute plastic bracelets and answered phone calls and email inquiries to obtain, use, and better understand the MOLST program. The public can download the MOLST form from the MIEMSS website, and MIEMSS provides hard copies for those individuals without internet access. OAG provides information to health care clinicians by answering questions and aiding in MOLST implementation.